
“母なる自然の名のもとに(In the Name of Mother Nature)” をすべての活動の指標とし、1世紀以上、4世代にわたって真摯に自然と向き合いシャンパーニュ造りを続けるメゾン・テルモンとコラボし、モスで覆われたシャンパンウォールが登場。

Champagne wall (August 2024)

Using “In the Name of Mother Nature” as the guiding principle for all its activities, Maison TELMONT has been dedicated to the art of Champagne making for over a century and four generations, with a sincere respect for nature. In collaboration with TELMONT, we are introducing a moss-covered Champagne wall.
In addition to a welcome Champagne at check-in, guests can enjoy Champagne pours from the wall.