List of Official Maisons

For more information on the other maisons, please see the detailed pages below.

  • Top floor – Bollinger
  • 13F – Charles Edosic
  • 12F – Rare Champagnes
  • 11F – Taittinger

  • 10F – Joseph Perrier
  • 9F – Nicolas Fiat
  • 8F – Rallier
  • 7F – Jean Wessel

  • 6F – Termon
  • 5F – Cupelli
  • 4F – Demoiselle

  • Top floor – Bollinger
  • 13F – Charles Edosic
  • 12F – Rare Champagnes
  • 11F – Taittinger
  • 10F – Joseph Perrier
  • 9F – Nicolas Fiat
  • 8F – Rallier
  • 7F – Jean Wessel
  • 6F – Termon
  • 5F – Cupelli
  • 4F – Demoiselle