Shinichi Ogawa
Architect Shinichi Ogawa

Architect Shinichi Ogawa was born in Yamaguchi Prefecture in 1955. Graduated from Nihon University College of Art. Studied architecture at Washington State University as an exchange student. Artist-in-residence at the Agency for Cultural Affairs in New York. Worked at Paul Rudolph’s office and Arquitectonica, New York. Participated in the 19th Triennale of Milan, Japan Pavilion, UIA Barcelona ’96, and the “Japan Year 2001” Architecture Exhibition in London, 2001, as one of 16 architects representing Japan. He has also held exhibitions in New York, London, Milan, Rotterdam, Glasgow, Hong Kong, and other cities around the world. He was featured in the British magazine “10×10” (100 Architects of the World) and the Japanese magazine “AERA 100 Designers of Japan”, and in 2007, he constructed the collaboration project “WorldofCalvinKleinwithShinichiOgawa In 2014, he was one of the 10 architects representing Japan in the “SpainJapanYear2014” exhibition of Japanese architects in Barcelona, Spain. He has won many domestic and international design awards and prizes in design competitions.